Saturday, March 31, 2018

Mega Milestone Mania! Out of the Smokies and into Hot Springs

Drumroll/Fanfare please!
Since our last blog, we have absolutely smashed some pretty awesome AT milestones and we’re so chuffed! Since Fontana Dam we have:

Broken our personal long hiking distance record
Broken the 200 mile mark
Have less than 2000 miles to go
Walked to the highest point on the trail (The top of Clingman’s Dome – over 6000ft)
SPOILER ALERT: Officially made it further than Bill Bryson did in ‘A Walk in the Woods’ (according to a man in Gatlinburg)
Started hitting our 15 mile a day target
Made it through the Smokies (the mountain range that according to the folk at Top of Georgia hostel has broken 50% of attempting thru-hikers over the past two years)

Not bad eh! ...

The post Mega Milestone Mania! Out of the Smokies and into Hot Springs appeared first on The Trek.

from The Trek

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