Sunday, March 31, 2019

6 Weeks on the AT, What a Great Week!

My sixth week will provide a lifetime of memories for me! Many big firsts: Virginia – Damascus, Grayson Highlands, wild ponies and unique landscapes, true hiker hunger and a blister!!

No complaints about the blister- it took 480 miles to get one and what I ignored as a hot spot I’d look at during lunch was a nickel size blister under my big toe – a little trail side needle sterilization and lance away, drain, triple antibiotics and some leukotape and good to go! ...

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Preparing for My Journey on the Appalachian Trail: Part I

Soon to be thru-hiker Steph Dawson introduces herself and discusses her upcoming hike, gear tests, and lightening up her pack load.

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A moment for the Trail Crews, Volunteers, and Trail Angels

As the hiking season gets into full swing with people already on the Triple Crown Trails or the Discovery Trail in the United States, on the various Caminos and GR trails across Europe, and with many more preparing to head out on the Bruce Trail, East Coast Trail, and Sunshine Coast Trail here in Canada – we thought it would be a good time to pause and send out a cosmic Thank you. If you are anything like me you have likely spent weeks, ...

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Julia’s 2019 AT Vlog #5 – Wesser Bald to Fontana Dam

In this video, our tramily (trail family) enjoyed a sunshine-filled day at the NOC where I decided to carry two beers and pumpkin soup from my sister (SO worth the weigh!) We trek towards our third shower in three weeks at Fontana Dam, where we planned to resupply pre-Smoky Mountains.
We found draft beer in a North Carolina gas station, washed our gear in the shower, and got our permits to hike in the Smoky Mountains. ...

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Julia’s 2019 AT Vlog #4 – Muskrat Creek to Wesser Bald

In this trail update, we cross the 100-mile mark before enjoying snacks and soda with some trail angels. We set out for 11 miles initially, but decided to push to 16 miles and hitch a ride to our Franklin hostel.
I invest in a new base outfit (a word for the wise – shorts and a tank top won’t fly in March on the AT), learn a lot about shoes, and enjoy some pancakes and bacon at a local Baptist church. ...

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Julia’s 2019 AT Vlog #3 – Week 1 part 2 – Unicoi Gap to Muskrat Creek Shelter

In trail update #3, we encounter our first-of-the-trail Trail Magic (fresh fruit :’) ). Watch the full video for my rant about Tray Mountain, the second occurrence of trail magic, my puffy face, our celebrations upon crossing into North Carolina, and an epic sunset to round out week 1 on the AT.
Follow my AT journey on my YouTube playlist!
Want to get in on the fun? You can apply to join The Trek’s team of vloggers here. ...

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Julia’s 2019 AT Vlog #2 – Week 1 part 1 – Springer Mountain to Unicoi Gap

We start the day with breakfast on Springer Mountain before running into to some rain on Sassafrass Mountain and finally pitching camp for the night.
On Day 2, we stop for lunch at Gooch gap before passing into Chattahoochee National Forest starting at Woody Gap. The group enjoys panoramic views on top of Preaching Rock and ends up at Lance Creek for night.
We start a 7 mile trek to Neels Gap on Day 3 where the kind people of Mountain Crossing let us take a two-hour rest break on their retail floor. ...

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Julia’s 2019 AT Vlog #1- Getting to the Appalachian Trail

In my first trail update, J.A.M. (watch the video to see what this stands for!) makes it to the Approach Trail, eats an odd array of sandwiches for lunch, and sets up camp before officially logging miles on the AT in the morning!

Follow my journey on my YouTube playlist.
Want to get in on the fun? You can apply to join The Trek’s team of vloggers here.


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Chaunce’s AT Vlog #05: Franklin – NOC

In this trail update, we enjoy free sundaes (and a lot of laughs) at a local joint in Franklin and stay in a hostel for the night. The next morning, I discover that my battery charger isn’t holding a charge…womp. After finding a new charger at Walmart, I shake off my funky mood with speed-hiking, lunch, and a nap.
Watch the full video to hear what we’re craving and see the exciting, sugar-y trail magic we encounter.

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Michael’s Hike: FAQ for Friends and Family

Hi all!
I’m roughly two weeks away from the genesis of my north-bound venture on the Appalachian Trail (or AT for those in the know). I’ve told family and friends, and I’ve given my two-weeks notice at work. Naturally, there are many questions regarding my plan, and I’ve begun to realize many are similar in nature. Here I provide a short FAQ section based on common questions I’ve gotten 🙂
General Information
Q: Wait, what is the Appalachian Trail? ...

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List of Things (Mostly Animals) I Hope to See while Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Fairy Crosses (Staurolite)
The Fairy Stone, Fairy Cross, or Staurolite crystal is the state stone of Georgia and so-named due to the cruciate deposition of a darker mineral within a lighter, surrounding stone that resembles an X or a cross. Prevalent in northern Georgia as well as some parts of Virginia, these stones are often collected by gem hunters. This website claims that “staurolite is a tool for communicating with animals and other entities of the natural and fairy realm.”  So I’d like to get my Dr. ...

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March Has One Last Laugh At Golfers In Michigan

March Has One Last Laugh At Golfers In Michigan After a week of mid fifties ... Read more.

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from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

Why a 23 year-old would rather be a smelly hiker than have a job

A lot of people ask me why I’m wanting to hike for 5 months, and to be honest I don’t have an exact answer. I know I love the outdoors and adventures, so I thought why not thru-hike the Appalachian Trail? I graduated from college about a year ago and am wanting an experience that will offer me a change of perspective on things. One of my friends introduced me to the idea of thru-hiking about a year ago, ...

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Reflecting On Three Weeks Of Walking

Three weeks ago today I left Springer. I think it’s a good time to reflect on what’s maked the journey so special so far.
The People
Most of my big hiking endeavors have been completed alone. When the long days, cold mornings, and rainy night hit me hard, I relied on myself to keep moving. I still have that same drive to finish the AT, but there is another factor in play on this hike, people. ...

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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hello, yes, I’d like to both never leave my house and to already be on trail. Thanks!

I’ve been putting off writing this. I’m still actively putting it off as I sit here on my parents couch, staring at the jagged remains of the Kennedy Meadows resupply box I’d crammed full with food and snow gear and taped to hell and back yesterday, only to frantically tear back open, panicked, what if I do need the brain of my bag before the Sierras?? (I spent twenty minutes furiously trying to reattach the top compartment of my pack only to come to the same realization that I had back in November: I just simply don’t need it until mile 702, ...

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Spring(er) Elite 8: What Are the Best Restaurants on the Appalachian Trail?

We’ve polled thru-hikers, selected, and seeded the best restaurants on the Appalachian Trail. Winners from the first two rounds have advanced to the Elite 8. It’s time to once again vote on your favorite restaurants, in our Springer Fever Bracket. Who advances to the Final Four.
Vote Here Now!
Elite 8 voting ends midnight 4/2 (PT). Final 4 voting 4/3- 4/6. Championship voting 4/7-4/8.  
Noteworthy Updates
#9 Mojo’s Cafe has received more votes than any other restaurant through the first two rounds. ...

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To all the friends and family I’ve scared before

My name is MaryClare Zimmermann. I’m 25 and from Chicago, Illinois, and I’ve got some explaining to do.
1. What on Earth is the PCT, and why are you on it, MaryClare?
PCT stands for Pacific Crest Trail. It’s a 2,650 mile hiking trail that stretches from Campo, California to Manning Park, British Colombia, Canada. I’m on it because I love hiking, the outdoors, eating ramen, and smelling bad.
2. 2,650 miles is a genuinely unreasonable distance. ...

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So far, so good! My first week on trail.

After two years of planning I’ve finally taken my first steps on the AT. To say I was nervous beforehand would be an understatement but my first few days on trail have gone more smoothly than I would ever have imagined!
Day 1:
Arriving at Amicalola was surreal. Although it’s something I’ve seen pictures of for ages part of me thought that maybe it didn’t actually exist, maybe the Appalachian trail was just something made up online. ...

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Efficient Educators: Using autoCrat to take the tedium out of school counseling and teaching

Snow: Lake Morena to Mt. Laguna, Miles 20 to 41.5

The sun is just coming up as I get to the trail and everything is covered in frost.  It’s a beautiful day for hiking and I take some time to get adjusted to the trail life. The trail leaving Lake Morena meanders through a shrubby, chaparral valley. Giant Oak trees skirting the southern edge. The trail is wide and flat, speckled with golden glitter that shimmers in the morning sun. Fools gold we would always say as kids, ...

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I’m leaving everything behind in 1 month. Here’s why.

I’ve had this crazy plan for a couple of years now, to walk the Appalachian Trail in its entirety. Over the course of that time, I’ve identified some of my deeper “why’s”, but have never sat down to hash them out. Here’s my attempt at reconnecting with that deep and introspective part of my self that I think I said goodbye to after high school, in favor of a simpler life amid college, jobs, and marriage. ...

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CDT Tips And Tidbits: The Basics of Planning a CDT Thru-Hike

Thinking about, or planning a thru-hike of the Continental Divide Trail? There’s a lot I think you should know, so for this first part, let's about timeline, navigation, alternates, information sources, and water.

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Train Thoughts: NYC to Georgia Bound!

I considered flying vs taking Amtrak down to Georgia to kick off my Appalachian Trail attempt, but twelve hours into the train ride, I’m still having a great time. I’d always wanted to try a long train ride and found the idea vaguely romantic (too many old movies while I grew up), but I did not have a good reason to try a long haul trip before now. I ended up choosing the train because I wanted to enjoy all the changing landscape one gets from hiking without having to walk at all, ...

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from The Trek

Friday, March 29, 2019

Shaking It Down in AT Prep Town: Part One

Here I come with a blog mini-series, because one post with all of this information is JUST. TOO. MUCH.  In this three-part post frenzy, I will recount the most notable backpacking adventures and failed hiking plans (let's call them shakedowns) Garrett and I have had over the last year.

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A “Trail” Magical Weekend

Northbounders are definitely spoiled. There have been times where I’ve run into multiple trail magic in one day. If you’re not familiar with the the term trail magic it is when people show up to the trail, usually at a road crossing, with food and or beverages for hikers. People go all out for this. I’ve seen hot dogs being served and coolers of soda and beer all for hikers!
Last weekend Chaunce and I had and insane amount trail magic. ...

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A B C’s of how I made it to the AT

A is for Anxiety
When the countdown for my trek hit thirty short days, I may have begun to stress out a little. Actually, it became the most stressful time of my life and a fear of the unknown grew into a little monster inside of my head. I should have prepared for this and prepared for the hike itself better than I did but that was not the case. You see, my biggest problem is that I am an idealist; ...

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Chaunce’s AT Vlog #03: Neels Gap – Hiawassee

Make it Neels Gap – check!
Score a spot at the hiker hostel – X
A kind employee took me in and let me crash on his floor, though, so it worked out!
I hiked solo for the day, forced myself to take breaks and chug water, and assessed the health of my right knee before ending my day at Low Gap shelter. This video is a big one –  I finally had to shed a layer of clothing at one point! ...

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The Making of a Trail Family

“We have not journeyed across the centuries, across the oceans, across the mountains, across the prairies, because we are made of sugar candy.” – Winston Churchill
This is my motto! We made it 100 miles, and we are so strong. “We will make it to Katahdin!”
Also it would be nice to have sugar candy.
“So you’re basically on one long extended youth group trip”
Says my brother George. I have great memories of these trips. ...

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Rainy Start: Campo to Lake Morena Miles 0 to 20

Starting the trail was a little different than I had imagined. I arrived at Campo around 7:30am after being dropped off somewhere on a dirt road by my Uber driver. He said he didn’t want to get his car dirty and that he wasn’t going to drive any farther. When I go out of the car, he offered me some water and said, “Good Luck.” My backpack was so heavy. I somehow managed to hoist it onto my shoulders and then got out my Garmin InReach, ...

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The Official Gear List for my AT Journey

The Final Evaluation!
Well I have narrowed it down to this. (Except my Mountainsmith Trekking Poles and my Chacos, I always forget something in the pictures!)
I feel very confident with the gear I have chosen. I don’t question anything that I have anymore, except I have not chosen a rain poncho yet. Being still undecided, i am just going to grab one before we hit the trail. It is about 10 days til we start, ...

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Golf Door Mat

Golf Door Mat Ridiculous Golf Item of the Week

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Beginning the AT: From Norovirus to Champagne and Turnips

Five days out from the start date of my AT thru-hike, I found myself unable to move five feet beyond my toilet.
Apparently I had contracted norovirus before even setting foot on the trail.
The timing could not have been better. I had only planned on using every single minute of the remaining week to tie up all of my life’s loose ends before hitting the trail on Saturday.
The next few days were a flurry of running errands and running to the bathroom. ...

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Trail Names: Identity

Trail names are a unique phenomenon of thru-hiker culture. They can start out as silly nick names or premeditated intentions but can grow into your entire sense of being. There are many different philosophies surrounding trail names, I tend towards more intentional rather than fun, but they are also an inherently fun thing. It’s you but you’re not tied to all of the story lines you might have connected to the identity that’s connected to your real name. ...

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Chaunce’s AT Vlog #02: Springer Mountain to Neels Gap

We made it past the Approach Trail to officially start the AT at Springer Mountain. By 3:30 PM, we’re a half mile from our original campsite, but decide to push on an extra 0.7 miles where a group of campers have a fire going (~warmth~).
But alas, I woke up quite chilly and started the day to avoid being colder, complete with a breakfast of frozen muffins. Fast forward to minute 7 to see my best self! ...

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Chaunce’s AT Vlog #01: The Approach Trail

We made it! In this video, we make our way onto the Approach Trail to Springer Mountain. I was lucky to start the trail with a buddy, Pepa, whom I met at Scout and Frodo’s when I started the PCT in 2017. We climb 175 strenuous, slippert steps (shout out to the 24-hour Fitness stair master).
My puffy and rain pants come to the rescue when it starts to flurry a bit. After making our way through a winter wonderland, ...

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Backpacker Radio #33: Andrew Skurka and Second Chance Hiker

n today’s episode of Backpacker Radio presented by The Trek, we are joined by adventuring legend, author, blogger and backcountry guide, Andrew Skurka.  This is a very meaty show, we touch on a huge number of subjects including his ridiculous backpacking endeavors, his favorite backcountry routes, his bear bagging recommendations, the current state of rain gear, specific gear recommendations for an AT or PCT thru-hike, and so much more.  Strap in, this is a fun interview filled with a ton of valuable insight. ...

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Snot Rockets, Hail, and a Person in a Drawstring Bag: The First Four Days

The first section of the Appalachian Trail did not disappoint. It brought crazy weather, beautiful weather, awesomeness, grossness, and weirdness.
The Lowdown

Day one: Amicalola to Stover Creek Shelter – mile 2.8
Day two: Stover Creek Shelter to Gooch Mountain Shelter – mile 15.8
Day three: Gooch Mountain Shelter to Lance Creek Campsite – mile 23.9
Day four: Lance Creek to Neel Gap – mile 31.3

You can get used to being gross
Snot rockets are disgusting things that fourth grade boys do. ...

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Shaking Off The Winter Golf Rust

I have been out to play twice this week in an effort to shake off ... Read more.

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It’s Only The Beginning

The over arching stresses of taking on the Pacific Crest Trail
I’m listening to the Talking Heads and their synthesizing beats make it sound like everything will be OK. Then my thoughts begin to spiral about everything that’s on my to-do list.  Why am I stressed knowing I just quit my job and won’t be working for six months?
Oh, That’s right! I committed to hiking 2,650 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail.
I live on the East Coast, ...

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Needful Things (for my thru-hike)

Luxuries that make my thru-hike just that much more enjoyable.

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Chemical Engineer Turned Hiker Trash – Why I’m Hiking the PCT

I remember crying when I finished “Pacific Crest Trials” on the plane ride home from Iceland back in September. I cried because I was still so conflicted about whether I wanted to make thru-hiking the PCT a reality. I wanted it so badly, but I was scared. I wasn’t scared of the trail, but I was scared of quitting my job, telling my parents, and not doing what I’m “supposed to be doing.”
I had just finished a 4 day backpack of Iceland’s Laugavegur Trail and had my first taste of the thru-hiking lifestyle. ...

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A Little Luck and a Send Off

I’ve heard it’s good luck for it to rain on your first night of the AT. I suppose it’s assurance of your safe arrival in Maine when it pours. The lightning was striking and thunder was rattling the trees around our tiny, muddy tent pad. Lucky me.
Day 1

Mom and my stepdad saw us off at 11am on that Friday morning of the 8th of March. We got started late because everyone missed their alarms, ...

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Beginner’s Guide to Day Hiking: Shoulder Season and Summer Clothing

In the last post we introduced the basics of how to dress for hiking as well as what to wear for winter specifically. In this post we will discuss how to dress for shoulder season and summer. A lot of the gear I wear in winter, I carry in my pack during shoulder season, so some of the items I’ve already outlined in the last post may appear in this post as well. Summer is the easiest season to dress for, ...

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Anatomy of an AT Trail Town: 5 Features to Look For

One of my favorite memories from the Appalachian Trail is the street festival I stumbled upon in Manchester Center, Vermont as I came into town for a zero day. I had entered the town expecting to grab a quick bite and head straight to the cheapest motel I could find. Instead, I found myself lounging in the grass, passing the warm summer evening eating ice cream and listening to live music. While you can’t plan for that kind of happy accident, ...

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Indian Open Winners And History

The Indian Open first was played in 1964. The current sponsor is Hero, an Indian ... Read more.

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Citizen Mickey Mouse Watch

Citizen Mickey Mouse Watch I am totally in love with this Citizen Mickey Mouse Watch. ... Read more.

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from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Gear Review: Altra Lone Peak 4 RSM

We have a few fun seasons here in Montana: First Snow, Winter Mud, Snow II, False Spring, Second Winter, Real Spring, Big Mud, and Summer. And back to the start. This means the time for dry trails is limited, and good footwear is a must for anyone who leaves their house in any months except July and August. The Altra Lone Peak 4 RSM is Altra’s rugged, durable, waterproof update to their thru-hiker favorite Lone Peak model. ...

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Your Guide to Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Trail Angels

If you are section or thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in 2019 (or know someone who is), you’ll want to read, bookmark or print this story to note some trail angels that confirmed they will be angelling in 2019.
These trail angels want you to visit them and/or reach out for any support you may need during your hike.
Who We Contacted
The Trek surveyed well-known trail angels, some met by the writer on her thru-hike and others listed in online resources (e.g.  ...

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A Quick Guide to the New England 100 Highest

As the temperature rises and the snow melts here in New England, the appearance perennials and emergence of birds remind us that yes, there is a life without bitter cold and mounds of ice and snow. For hikers, spring also brings the promise of summiting a high peak on a summer day, finding respite from the heat with a cool, mountain breeze and relishing a spectacular valley vista thousands of feet below.
If you’re looking to summit as many of those beautiful New England peaks as possible, ...

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PCT Lodging Highlights: Hostels, Motels, Campgrounds, and Trail Angels

Yes, you will be spending most of your nights outside during a PCT thru-hike. But when you cross into a town, it’s common to want a warm bed to sleep in, or a pool to jump into after a long day or week on the trail – which means it’s time to look for lodging.
Lodging on the PCT can be expensive, free, or somewhere in between… ie affordable for a thru-hiker. Here are the highlights of where to stay, ...

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How to Get to the CDT Southern Terminus

Starting the CDT can be a little more complicated than the PCT or the AT, starting with the fact that there are actually three potential starting points.  Generally speaking though, most hikers start (or end) their journey at the Crazy Cook Monument, which is now considered by many as the “official” terminus. Most information in this article involves the various ways to get yourself to or from Crazy Cook, but will touch upon the other options as well. ...

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LPGA Kia Classic Preview 2019

2019 KIA CLASSIC CELEBRATES 10 YEARS The LPGA Tour makes its second stop on the West Coast ... Read more.

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from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

Gear Review: BioLite Headlamp 330

BioLite Headlamp 330
I’ve been enjoying backpacking and running long enough to remember when nighttime illumination meant carrying a flashlight. Over time, bulky flashlights equipped with D cells evolved into sleek Maglights stocked with AA batteries, and then came the promised land of headlamps. What could be better than operating hands-free? 
Viva la evolution! The advent of LED lighting has given us brighter, more energy-efficient lighting than incandescent bulbs, and lightweight rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have eliminated AA and AAA batteries. ...

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LPGA Kia Classic Winners and History

The Kia Classic has been a fixture on the LPGA Tour since 2010. The inaugural ... Read more.

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Amazon Essentials Classic Fit Stretch Golf Pant

Amazon Essentials Classic Fit Stretch Golf Pant Amazon has gotten into the golf apparel business. ... Read more.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How Britney Spears Gave Me Permission to Hike the CDT

What's it like to quit a successful career at 40 and focus on living your dreams instead of riding the gerbil wheel at an unsatisfying and life-sucking job? Meet Hungry Cat! He thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2018, and he's thru-hiking the Continental Divide Trail this year. Read about how it all went down and how to follow him on his CDT thru-hike!

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Spring(er) Fever- Sweet 16- Whats the Best Restaurants on the Appalachian Trail

Springer Fever Sweet 16
We’ve polled previous thru-hikers, selected and seeded, the Best Restaurants on the Appalachian Trail. Winners from the first round matchups have advanced to the Sweet 16. It’s time to once again vote on your favorite restaurants, in our Springer Fever Bracket.
Vote Now! ...

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My Training Plan for the PCT

“You’re hiking how many miles?! How the heck do you even train for that?”
Since I began sharing my plans to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail with family and friends this has been, by far, the most common reaction. And for some reason, this question always stumps me. I think people have a preconceived notion about who can attempt a thru-hike. They want to hear how I am so much more intense and dedicated than they are. ...

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The Inside Dirt on Vermont’s Mud Season

The following is a guest post courtesy of Kristin McLane from the Green Mountain Club
Vermont. Frequently known on the Appalachian Trail as “Vermud.” Both the Long Trail, which runs 272 miles from Massachusetts to Canada, and the Appalachian Trail, which runs on the Long Trail for 105 miles and then turns east to New Hampshire for another 45 miles, are known to have muddy sections all year long.  But there is a special time of year in New England when those trails are especially wet: mud season. ...

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Julie’s Appalachian Trail Vlog #5: Hiawassee GA to Franklin NC

Live from Hiawassee, I’ll show you the gear I’m ditching and what we’re bringing to stay warm in the chilly evenings. We are determined to book it to North Carolina (hello, first border crossing!) before lighting a fire and pitching camp for the evening.
We’re up early to get moving and keep warm before hiking down to Franklin and hitching a ride to town again – watch the video to see how excited we are about buffets. ...

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2019 World Golf Championships-Dell Technologies Match Play Preview

2019 World Golf Championships-Dell Technologies Match Play Preview Dates: March 27-31, 2019Where: Austin Country Club, ... Read more.

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Corales Puntacana Resort and Club Championship Winners and History

Corales Puntacana Resort and Club Championship Winners and History The Corales Puntacana Resort and Club ... Read more.

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Groupings and Brackets For The Dell WGC Match Play 2019

Below you will find the groupings for the WGC Match Play 2019. Within each group, ... Read more.

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The Best Thru-Hiking Advice I’ve Heard

Everyone has something to say while on trail, or before getting on trail, in terms of thru-hiking advice. Sometimes it can be a bit much, however often it can be really helpful to hear someone’s two cents. Here are some of words of wisdom I’ve heard over the years and will keep in mind while on the PCT.
Listen to everything, and adopt what works for you
I met a Triple Crowner on my first day of hiking the Camino de Santiago beginning in France. ...

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TaylorMade TP5 Pix Golf Balls

TaylorMade TP5 Pix Golf Balls The TaylorMade TP5 Golf balls use multi colors graphics to ... Read more.

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Monday, March 25, 2019

I Didn’t Cry On the Trail Until This:

I did not cry in the rain
I did not cry in the rain or cold, nor during my first dark night in the tent when I knew no one.
The tears came one week into my trek, and it wasn’t even on the trail.
A barefoot man puts his hand on my head
He’s wearing a long white robe with a rope wrapped around the waist. A purple cloth covers the front, with a white shepherd’s staff embroidered in the center. ...

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5 Weeks on the Trail Virginia Here I come!

What have I learned….
Miles are coming easier and faster, but it’s smiles not miles!
I’m still excited to see what’s around every turn.
I look less at my map and apps and let mountains and gaps surprise me.
I still feel small on the AT.
Angels are real and amazing people are everywhere!
The beauty of nature never gets old!
The stars are brighter at 2:00 am! ( thanks bladder)
On tight switchbacks the guy behind me has bad BO! ...

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Gear Review: Granite Gear Blaze 60

Granite Gear Blaze 60
Granite Gear’s Blaze 60 isn’t the lightest pack around — but then, it’s not supposed to be. It’s designed for hikers who need to haul extra gear or make long food and water carries, but honestly, it rides pretty light on your hips and shoulders.
This pack is designed to handle loads up to 50 pounds, it easily accommodates a bear canister, and it works just fine with 20 pounds on board. ...

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An Act of Contrition and Faulty Assumptions

This is hard for me to admit so I’m just gonna spit it out. Rip the bandaid off.
I blue blazed and bypassed 25ish miles of the trail.
There. I said it. I have an overwhelming sense of guilt, I can’t look other thru-hikers in the eye. I’m so ashamed. I feel like a cheater. And like all cheaters before me, I have to say that it wasn’t really my fault!
Between my raincoat breaking just before a possible rain/snow/hail storm, ...

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Food Review: Wild Zora Backpacking Meals, Snack Bars

In the burgeoning world of backpacking haute cuisine, Wild Zora deserves a shout-out for its emphasis on healthy meals and snacks that address many of the food allergens common in Americans’ diets.
Gluten. Soy. Dairy. Nuts. Ingredients in packaged foods popular on trail, but not part of Wild Zora’s dehydrated meals, snacks, and soups. The Paleo To Go Meals are dairy-free. The meat and veggie bars are nut-free, soy-free, and dairy-free. All are gluten-free.
Wild Zora uses 100 percent grass-fed beef, ...

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Walking for Devon

I’ve been dreaming of this hike for nearly two years. My first long distance hike was a failure — I had just jumped headfirst into hiking and attempted a speed hike of Vermont’s Long Trail. It was my third ever backpacking trip and I was pathetically underprepared for what I was about to put myself through. We managed to cover 160 miles through the Green Mountains, only a little over half of the total length of the trail. ...

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Thru-Hiking? Consider Volunteering With Adventure Scientists

As outdoorsmen and women, we have a duty to protect the places we play in. Our parks and wilderness areas are sacred to us but we need to remember that their status and beauty isn’t permanent. Invasive species, illegal mining and logging, climate change—a million problems are all piling up into an overwhelming mountain that threaten the natural world around us. That said, I didn’t want my first post to be all doom-and-gloom. I wanted to go the opposite route by highlighting how hikers can get involved and help make a difference right now. ...

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Hours Upon Hours of Research Presents: My Gear List for the Appalachian Trail

I’m sitting in the Boston airport waiting for my flight to Atlanta, and I couldn’t be more excited for the adventure to come! I’ll be spending a few days in Atlanta before I head out from Amicalola on the approach trail early next week. In the meantime, I wanted to share the gear that I think I’ll be carrying with me for my hike.
Big “Four”
Backpack: Gossamer Gear Mariposa 60
Originally, I had purchased an Osprey Aura 50 because I had used the same model in previous overnight trips, ...

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Wisdom from 2018 Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hikers (Pt. I)

Before you head on the trail this year, tune in for some wisdom from the class of 2018!

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What You Need to Know About Hiking With a Dog

While it’s not uncommon for hikers to take a little bit of home with them on the trail one way or another, some take it a step further and bring the dog along for the journey. Under the right circumstances dog can be a great companion to have during a thru hike, but there are many things to consider before taking Fido for a 2,000+ mile walk.
Here is our collection of wisdom from hikers who have taken their dogs on a thru-hike, ...

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WGC Match Play Winners and History

WGC Match Play Winners And History In 2016, the WGC Match Play acquired a new ... Read more.

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The Best Outdoor Gear Deals of the Week: 3/25

Spring has sprung, and with it has brought some more gear deals. Check out this week’s catch.

Sierra Designs Tensegrity 1 FL Tent 
From $319.95: Save 40%
31 oz

Moosejaw’s Almost Everything Sale 


THERM-A-REST NeoAir Xlite Sleeping Pad, Regular
From $169.95: Save 20%

Check out Eastern Mountain Sports’ Clearance Event and their 20% off any one item coupon.

SuperFly Backpacking Stove
From $64.95: Save 20%

Thru April 9, REI Members can save an EXTRA 20% on one item using coupon code MEMPERK2019. ...

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Wilson Staff C300 Forged Irons

Wilson Staff C300 Forged Irons These beauties feature: Power holes: through-holes strategically positioned on the ... Read more.

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Sunday, March 24, 2019

This Week’s Top Instagram Posts from the #AppalachianTrail

A new group of eager northbounders are seeing their first white blazes every passing day and they’ve been blessing our Instagram feeds with the good stuff, so welcome back to our weekly roundup of the most spectacularly beautiful, hilariously entertaining, and all-around best photos taken on the Appalachian Trail this past week.
This week features photos taken from March 17 to March 24  and were found by perusing the hashtag #TrektheAT. A thorough point-based grading system is used to pluck out the very best for your viewing pleasure. ...

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Dear 2019 Thru Hikers…

From someone who wishes more than anything she was back on the Appalachian Trail, here are a few pieces of advice I have for you.
For some of you, I may sound like a broken record. For others, I hope you hear this advice and run with it! These are a few things I wish I had known before my 2018 Flip Flop of the AT.

Take pictures
My memory is terrible. If I close my eyes and try hard enough I can muster up some images of my favorite moments on the trail. ...

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Single Day Winter Bonds Traverse

There are 46 peaks in the Adirondacks and 48 peaks in New Hampshire over 4,000 feet. Fun fact: 4 of the 46 in the Adirondacks are actually less than 4,000 feet (Blake, Cliff, Nye, and Couchsachraga), but tradition has kept these peaks on the list despite the survey results. Similarly, a recent survey determined that Mt. Tecumseh in the White Mountains is also less than 4,000 feet, but it’s undecided if it will remain on the list. ...

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The Hike Before the Hike: The Journey to Springer Mountain

With only one week until I set foot on the Appalachian Trail it is fair to say that I have had months to prepare. At times I do feel well and truly ready, whereas at other moments I am certain that there is so much more to do. In the literal sense I began my preparations in earnest when I had my visa application approved on 4th January 2019. However; my real preparation began 11 months to the day prior when my visa application was denied. ...

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The Stress is Creeping In

Wow. What a week to say the least.
The week started with me getting food poisoning, and then it proceeded into my puppy Sugaree being diagnosed with Lyme Disease. A whopping 800$ diagnosis to say the least…But we made it through! And it is only 11 days from starting my car and driving to Florida to meet my trail crew!
The ups and downs have been extreme. I don’t know if anyone really understands the hours of overthinking, ...

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Final Reflections Before the Appalachian Trail

The time has come, and today is the day. My parents & best friend camped at Amicalola with Isaac and I last night, so as I write this I’m about to start the trail.
It’s about the journey, not the destination.
(Sorry, not sorry for the most cliche phrase imaginable.)
The journey has already started out interestingly… On the way to Murfreesboro where my parents live, we nearly had a blowout on the interstate in my little car. ...

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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mountaineers Head to The Hootie at Bull’s Bay

Mountaineers Head to The Hootie at Bull’s Bay MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (March 24, 2019) – After nearly a month ... Read more.

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Wisdom from 2018 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hikers (Part I)

Let’s take a jump across the country for the second installment in our Wisdom from the (Recent) Past series…over to the AT! Today we’ll be talking with hikers about the importance of tramily, and when the best time to thru-hike is (hint: there isn’t one).

Mackenzie “Wilt” Wieder | March 22nd – September 10th, NOBO

“…I miss seeing this amazing and beautiful country change in front of my eyes…”
Favorite trail town and why?
It is hard for me to pinpoint a specific trail town that was my favorite. ...

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Big 12 Individual Medalist to Play in A Military Tribute at The Greenbrier

Big 12 Individual Medalist to Play in A Military Tribute at The Greenbrier The individual ... Read more.

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Friday, March 22, 2019

Off Day and Snowy Smokies

First Zero Day
Getting to the Nantahala Outdoor Center or called the NOC by the cool kids was the goal. I was excited to have a day where I didn’t hike, but I didn’t know it was going to be an action packed off day. My professor from Emory and Henry brought a raft so we could get a on some white water. It was a great way to spend Chaunce’s birthday and a refreshing change of pace. ...

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Be Grateful for Every Step: A Promise to Myself On My First Thru Hike

It can be hard to admit how much you doubt yourself on the precipice of such a big undertaking; three days out from my thru hike attempt along the Appalachian Trail and self-doubt looms. I want to say I am as confident as ever, but in reality I have never been so anxious and unsettled about any decision I have ever made in my life. But I know that this emotional rollercoaster I have stepped on is all a part of this journey, ...

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Pre-Hike Jitters and How I’m Reacting

One week out from my departure to Georgia, I’m in an unexpected state of calm. That was not the case earlier in March, and it took me a while to shake some of the restless thoughts popping up about my upcoming adventure. I hadn’t expected to feel anxious or jittery, because attempting the Appalachian Trail has been a lifelong dream, but even though I expect it to be a positive and transformative experience, I still had my share of pesky feelings leading to the trip. ...

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My 5 Favorite AT Thru-hike Items

1. Garage Grown Gear Fanny Pack
Lightweight, holds a lot, waterproof, cool color, easy to take into town, great for glasses and your basic ID and sunscreen, etc. Handy to have something separate and removable from your pack side pouches.

2. Feathered Friends 10-degree Women’s Sleeping Bag
I have not been cold so far. Iris-colored, all the better. Lightweight and stuffs compact. So glad they had one for 5’3″ and under.

3. Crocs
The best thing my feet have ever worn at the end of a long day of hiking, ...

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Let’s Get Physical: How I’m Training in Six Easy Steps

In my last post, I discussed some of the ways I’ve been preparing for my thru-hike attempt. Today, I’m going to dive into my physical training a little more. And, since Wisconsin has started to thaw from a long and snowy winter, I’ll talk specifically about how I’ve been training outside.
Step One: Pack up all my gear

Before heading out, I pack my pack with everything I’ll be carrying on the trail. And I mean everything. ...

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Gear Review: Nemo Hornet Elite 2 Tent

Nemo Hornet Elite 2
MSRP: $499.95
Type: Semi-freestanding, 3 Season
Minimum Weight: 1 lb , 11 oz
Floor Dimensions: 85 x 50/42 in
Floor Area: 27.3 sq ft
Circumstances of Review

I took the Hornet Elite on a short backpacking trip in the Santa Cruz mountains in California and on a thru-hike of the California Riding and Hiking Trail in Joshua Tree National Park. The Joshua Tree trip was a better test of its merits; besides being generally wet and cold and miserable, ...

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Why Overpreparing for a Thru-Hike is Overrated

Taking on a great outdoor adventure like the Appalachian or Pacific Crest Trail means navigating a world of blog posts, YouTube channels, and gear lists that can make planning overwhelming. So when it is all too much? At what point does our preparation begin to infringe on the experiences we’ll have on the trail?

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The Long Road to PCT Gear Nirvana

My road of discovery to lighter, better gear and less is more.

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REI Member Rewards are 3/22-4/8. Here’s How We’re Spending Our Dividends.

In case you somehow missed the *biggest event of the year,* REI dividends hit our collective accounts on March 7. Each year in conjunction with this hallowed event, REI offers a Member Rewards event. From March 22 until April 8, members can save 20% on one full-price item and an extra 20% off one REI Outlet item. Just use the code MEMPERK2019 at checkout, and the savings are yours.
Not sure how to find your dividend? ...

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Hope, Hiking and the Appalachian Trail – My Intro

Have you ever had to face what seemed like insurmountable odds in order to achieve something? Well, I'm there with you. After nearly 20 years of chronic pain I finally found a cure, and am now finally setting out to attempt my lifelong dream: a thru hike of the AT, taking my unwavering medicine of hope with me.

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Golf Eraser Set

Japanese Golf Eraser Set Ridiculous Golf Item of The Week

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The Blogiversary — Fifteen Years Of GolfBlogger

The Golf Blogiversary — Fifteen Years Of GolfBlogger Today marks fifteen years of blogging at ... Read more.

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

How becoming an Ultralight Backpacker turned me into a Minimalist between trails….

As a long distance hiker everything eventually comes down to the weight of your pack. What are you carrying? Is it a necessity? Does it have more than one purpose? Is it durable enough? Carry too much and the trek becomes physically unbearable. Carry too little and you will lack for something. As in life, with backpacking it is all about balance.
When the idea of trekking across Canada began to germinate in my mind several years ago, ...

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2%: Time to Get Moving!

Week 2
178 miles. A little over 10 miles a day isn’t a pace one would expect to hear from someone who’s trying to hike 8000 miles in a year. What can I do, though? The PCT just won’t let me have an easy start like I expected. One day will be dry, exposed, and windy; the next overcast and freezing!
Just about every mountain range I’ve approached I’ve had to give a day or 2 for a harsh weather pattern to pass. ...

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I Said “No:” Some Ramblings on Pre-Trail Anxiety

I sit at dinner with one of my older sisters and my parents. I’ve become bad at conversing, for thoughts of the PCT have consumed all of my available headspace. Finally, my mom brings up the trail, and I’m excited to talk.
“Sam, do you think you’re going to finish the PCT?”
My answer shocked me: “No.”
That was a month ago.
If it is not already abundantly clear, let me shout it from the rooftops: I’m an anxious person. ...

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My lessons learned in the first hundred miles of the AT

The most important lessons I’ve learned on the AT in my first hundred miles is that I was not as prepared for thru-hiking as I thought I was and I was not prepared for the approach trail at all.

Yes, read about the AT, but also do
During my preparations for my hike, I read everything I could find on what to expect, what gear I needed, what gear I didn’t need, blogs, websites, vlogs, YouTube videos, ...

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My Bio

I’m Mark.  I’m going to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail in 2019.  I’m old.  Actually I’m not old, only 63, but my four grandchildren will all tell you I’m old so I guess I’ll leave that in.  I do plan to thru-hike the AT, or at least I’ll start with that plan in mind.  My initial goals are:

To start on Springer Mtn in March
To make it 100 miles
To make it past the Bill Bryson bailout point in the Smokies
To make it to the ATC in Harpers Ferry WV

Beyond that, ...

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A Mid March Round Of Golf In Michigan

My home course opened this week and I was thrilled to get out Tuesday for ... Read more.

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10 Ways to Stay Warm and Avoid Hypothermia on the Trail

It’s just before dawn, and the mountains all around you are tranquil. You can tell it’s going to be a glorious morning, and you feel the call of a new day’s adventure just waiting to begin. It’d be sweet to sit out on the rocks with your morning coffee and watch the sun come up… but your tent is so deliciously warm, in contrast to the biting cold of the mountain air just outside. Instead, you withdraw further into your cocoon and tell yourself you’ll catch the sunrise some other time. ...

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5th Annual Appalachian Trail Flip-Flop Festival Scheduled for 4/27-28

The 5th annual Flip Flop Festival will once again see Appalachian Trail thru-hiker hopefuls off as they begin their hike across the country.
The festival will be held Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28 in Harpers Ferry, W. Va. It is open to the public and free.
In addition to seeing off some of the Appalachian Trail Class of 2019, the festival offers several hiking and outdoor enthusiast workshops, good eats and camaraderie for the outdoor community. ...

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Gear Review: Nemo Aya 30 Sleeping Bag

Nemo Aya 30 Sleeping Bag
MSRP: $339.95 – $359.95
Weight: 1.75 pounds (regular)
Temperature Rating (comfort): 35 degrees (F)
Tested Lower Limit: 25 degrees (F)
Fill Material: Down
Fill Weight: 13 oz
*The men’s equivalent to this sleeping bag is the Kayu
*It also comes in a 15 degree bag which weighs 2 pounds, 1 ounce
Circumstances of Use
I used this sleeping bag on two separate and wildly disparate winter backpacking trips. The first was a pretty standard California Bay Area winter weather affair, ...

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Chitimacha Louisiana Open Winners and History

The Chitimacha Louisiana Open is a Web.Com Tour event held annuallyat the Le Triomphe Golf & ... Read more.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What We’ve Learned From One Week On The Trail

We started with great expectations. Stomp the approach trail, get to Springer and start passing the white blazes.

I didn’t see me stopping every staircase taking a breath, looking up at the gorgeous waterfall, wishing it was a bit less tall.

I kept climbing though and felt accomplished when we reached the top. Then I realised how much was left. No stairmaster can prep you for this. I got to 4.4 miles the first day. That last hill got me. ...

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First Trail Steps and Feeling Inspired

The day is here. We’re at Amicalola Falls State Park starting our adventure. We took our first steps on the approach trail and I saw the arch that I’ve seen in a million other hikers’ photos and it’s giving me all the feels.
We got here late and aren’t hiking all the way up to Springer tonight. We’re staying in the lodge and it’s nice to take our time instead of showing up and hitting the trail immediately. ...

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“He Gone!” The Stuff I Threw Out* My First Week of Thru-Hiking

* By “threw out,” I mean, gave to my AT mentor to send to my parents, or the ATC ridge runner truck to give to a hiker box
“He gone!”
This is what my brother (who watches ESPN) says all the time. The sports announcers say this this when a guy gets thrown out of a game or gets fouled out.
So here’s my “He gone!” list of what I threw out my first week of thru-hiking:
* The journal- that days ago I praised as an essential – he gone! ...

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Ten Funniest Things People Said As I Prepared to Thru-hike the AT

From the practical…
10. “Your pack’s too back-heavy. Maybe you should carry some stuff on your front with one of our Baby Björns?” – Brother Joe

9. “Wait’ll you start stealing condiments.” – Mary Stewart Murphy, AT mentor, at the fast food place near Springer. Not stealing, per se- just taking a few extra ketchups/mustards to season the camp food

8. “Make sure you can always self-extract, before someone has to extract you.” (“Self extract?” I ask, ...

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Time To Move Through Mountains

Meet the Hiker!
Hiiiii friends! I am so glad you’re here reading some of my words! I’ll try not to bore you too much! I figured I’d introduce myself a bit before getting into why I’m going out there. Soooo, hi! My name is Therese – pronounced like Theresa, but without the “a”. (Can you tell I get that question a lot…? heh heh) I grew up in West Palm Beach, Florida so my childhood access to mountains was non-existent. ...

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How to Support a Thru-Hiker: Do You Have Everything You Need?

How can you support the thru-hiker in your life before and during their hike?

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2019 Valspar Championship Preview

2019 Valspar Championship Preview Dates: March 18-24, 2019Where: Palm Harbor, FloridaCourse: Innisbrook, a Salamander Golf ... Read more.

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Backpacker Radio Episode 32: Peter Downing on Ultra Running, the Peace Corps, and Suffer Better

n today’s episode of Backpacker Radio, we’re joined by Peter Downing, a modern day renaissance man.  We chat about his history as an ultra runner (including his four wins at the Buena Vista 50), his time in the Peace Corps, his career as a lawyer, and now, his latest undertaking, Suffer Better, a community of ultra runners whose mission is to give back.  It’s a fun, freewheeling convo where Peter teaches us the ins and outs of the ultra world. ...

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Bank of Hope Founders Cup Preview – 2019

Bank of Hope Founders Cup Preview – 2019 LPGA RETURNS TO THE U.S. FOR BANK ... Read more.

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Under Armour Playoff Long Sleeve Golf Polo

Under Armour Playoff Long Sleeve Golf Polo The Under Armour Playoff Long Sleeve Golf Polo ... Read more.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My First Month into the AT

At last signs of springs are showing up. A single blue bird and a robin at Mack’s patch. Frogs at dammed pond, a huge Toad next to the French broad river. A single shadblow blooming on pump gap. Of course great trail towns like Hot Springs had callery pears, Japanese cherries, forsythia and daffodils abound! At newfound gap me and my buddy Lucky attempted to hitchhike in the freezing rain for an hour on a closed road.


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What I Carried To Maine

Hey Folks!
A lot of time was spent deciding what to carry as I walked from Georgia to Maine. So I thought I’d briefly try to let you know how my choices panned out. Here is what I loved, what I didn’t, and what I would change if I were to do it again. (wishful thinking)
Copper Spur UL2 HV – Best tent ever. Roomy as heck, and still light as a feather. ...

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Gear Review: MSR Access 2 Four-Season Tent

MSR Access 2 Four-Season Tent
I haven’t used a four-season tent consistently before this year, previously opting to take one of my sturdier three-season tents out for winter excursions. The MSR Access 2 is essentially a beefed-up version of a freestanding two-person backpacking tent, with burlier components and a sturdy structure optimized for winter conditions. MSR advertises this as a ski touring tent, as it’s on the lighter side for a four-season tent. The tent has two doors, ...

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Gearing Up – Gear List for the AT

Gear List for the AT! Critique, ask questions, and give advice!

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My Naming Day

My Friends Call Me Stretch
My naming day could not have come at a better time. The prior day (I think that was Sunday) was the first time I cried on trail. Frustrated and exhausted, it was just a long bad day. The last quarter mile up to the old cheese factory site was more than I could take. So I cried and swore at my achy feet, but kept walking. Uphill.
The next morning wasn’t going much better. ...

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Spring(er) Fever: What’s The Best Restaurant on the Appalachian Trail?

Its Springer Fever.
We’ve polled previous thru hikers, selected and seeded, the Top 32 Best Restaurants on the Appalachian Trail. Now we need your help selecting which restaurants advance to the Sweet 16.
Vote Now!
Round 1- Part 1
Round 1- Part 2

Round 1 voting will end at Sunday 3/24 at Midnight PT . ...

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Maybank Championship Winners and History

Maybank Championship Winners and History The Maybank Championship is the successor to the Malaysian Open. ... Read more.

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Finding Peace In Nature

What brings you joy in your life?What makes you feel alive? What makes you grow? For me it is being in the woods with time to think, but also being open to meeting people right where they are at. True growth comes from first breaking down the things of this earth and rebuilding them into something stronger.

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5 Reasons Why Winter Hiking is Awesome

Someone recently asked me what I do in the winter to stay in shape and train for an upcoming thru-hike. The answer – I keep hiking!
When I first heard that people continue to hike during the winter, I thought it seemed crazy. However after my first winter hiking experience (Big Slide in the Adirondacks), I was hooked! In fact, winter is now my favorite time to hike. With the season coming to a close, I wanted to reflect on five reasons why winter hiking is awesome:

The Camaraderie

Hiking in winter makes me feel like I’m part of a special club – in fact, ...

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Dear Class of 2019

To my 2019 thru-hikers:
I use the word “my” because I feel so protective of you all.
Your bodies, your joints, your egos, your confidence.
Your journey.
I don’t even know you all, but I don’t have to because I’ve struggled as you will this year.
I’ve endured the feels, the rain, the cold, the pain, the frustrations, the why’s you will be experiencing here shortly.
I have some advice for you but first, a caveat. ...

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TaylorMade Spider X Putter

TaylorMade Spider X Putter The TaylorMade Spider X Putter Features: The X Philosophy: Spider X ... Read more.

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Why I Carried A Heavy Rock Over Five Miles

Yes, I had a heavy rock in my backpack for over five miles the other day. I spent hours researching gear over the last year. I spent so much time going over everything I would need to do to reduce the load on my back. I read articles, tested gear, weighed everything down to the ounce, and I end up accidentally carrying a rock. I guess it goes to show that pack weight is not everything. ...

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Let’s Talk About Gear

I probably should have done the gear post a long time ago but gear scares me. Okay, maybe not scare, but there’s just so much. When I first started backpacking I bought The Ultimate Hiker’s Gear Guide by Andrew Skurka. It was terrifying. A little too ultimate. Where was the Guide to Buying Backpacking Stuff When You Have Absolutely No Idea What You’re Doing? I’ve definitely acquired knowledge along the way but there’s still so much out there. ...

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Ready? As I’ll ever be. My final two weeks at home.

For my final few weeks before flying out I’ve found myself caught between trying to get myself as prepared as possible and trying to relax and make the most of being at home. This has lead to a weird mix of days where I’m getting a train halfway across the country to do a practice hike or visit friends and days where I don’t leave the house and watch back to back episodes of Friends. The one constant is the ever growing mix of emotions building up in the pit of my stomach and the nagging feeling that there’s something I’ve forgotten to do. ...

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The Best Outdoor Gear Deals of the Week: Week of 3/18

We love gear. Even more than that, we love gear on sale, and we bet you do too.  Check out this week’s steals and deals.

EMS Women’s Feather Pack Jacket
From $199.00: Save 60%

Men’s version available here.

HOKA ONE ONE Men’s Speedgoat 2 Trail Running Shoes 
From $140.00: Save 30%

Limited sizes available.

Big Agnes Fly Creek 2 Classic Tent
From $339.95: Save 20%
Weight (packaged): 2 lb 10 oz

EMS Women’s Techwick Hydro Shorts
From $45.00: Save 50%

Travel Hammock The Original Solo Hammock
From $49.99: Save 58%
Weight: 20 oz ...

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Resupply Plan for a Thru-Hike of the CDT

It’s officially now less than one month until I’ll lay my hand on Crazy Cook Monument and take the very first step of my NOBO CDT thru-hike. Time has really flown by these past months. A couple of weeks ago I said goodbye to the job I’ve held for nearly a decade, which was both scary and thrilling. I’m still enjoying some good cross-country skiing where I live, as well as procrastinating packing my suitcase to see if all my gear fits. ...

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Aren’t You Scared?: Answering Questions about Safety on the AT

It's natural for loved ones to fear for hikers' safety on the AT. Here are a few ways I've answered their safety-related questions.

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Julie’s Appalachian Trail Vlog #4: Woody Gap to Hiawassee GA

We woke up to a beautiful view in Woody Gap, headed up Blood Mountain, and descended to Neel’s Gap (beer, hot dogs, etc.)! After resupplying our heating up some s’mores, we set out for the trail and pitched camp at Wolf Laurel Top.
On day three, we set out to night-hike to avoid cold rain in the afternoon. The afternoon was very up and down elevation-wise and windy! I picked up some rain and wind-proof mittens by Outdoor Research yesterday – totally worth my $30. ...

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Julie’s Appalachian Trail Vlog #3: Approach Trail & Springer to Woody Gap

It’s time! This video documents our initial trek on the Approach Trail, our hike up to Springer Mountain in Georgia, and our first morning waking up to some puddles in the tent. At 12.3 miles on Day 1, we take a break to patch up some hot spots on our feet before stopping for the night at Woody Gap.
P.S., I’m welcoming all suggestions for trail names in the comments of the YouTube video!
Subscribe to The Trek’s YouTube channel here to keep up with all of our wonderful vloggers. ...

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Bank of Hope Founders Cup Winners and History

Founders Cup Winners and History The Founders Cup was established in 2011 as a tribute ... Read more.

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Valspar Championship Winners and History

The inaugural Valspar Championship was played in 2014. The tournament succeeded the Tampa Bay Championship ... Read more.

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Thru-Hiker Yoga: What, Why and How

It’s been a long day of hiking and you’re exhausted. You set up your tent and are eagerly waiting for dinner to cook, counting the minutes between the noodles and your mouth. You plop yourself down on a log to just sit there and wait, watching the sunset change the sky from blood-orange red to cotton candy pink across the horizon.
Well, how about a few minutes of thru-hiker yoga?
Thru-hiker yoga? Skepticism and resistance abounds. ...

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Callaway Supersoft Matte Finish Golf Balls

Callaway Supersoft Matte Finish Balls Following the trend of matte finish colored golf balls, Callaway ... Read more.

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from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Pooping in the Woods – A regular shit story!

Ok, now I promise to regress and add a modicum of dignity to my cathole tales. I’ll use BM for #2! I actually had a trail plan for my BM’s and it may work for you! Yes, you read that correctly!
I’ll try to keep it short and not have a long circuitous story. Before hiking any long trail, it is always best to see your doctor and get a check up, explain to them what your planning to do, ...

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For The Weekend: Bushmills Irish Honey Whiskey

Bushmills Irish Honey Whiskey Grade: B Teachers’ Comments: Not as much honey flavor as I ... Read more.

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from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

I Promise Not to Finish

“I need to talk to you about failure.” So says my dad to me, super casually, while I’m mid-bite of my kale salad.
But it’s not the talk you’d expect. He wants to know that, if I’m miserable and not at all getting out of the experience what I want, I’ll be open to quitting.
I know. The failure rate is high. I’ve heard an array of stats with the most promising being that 25% of people complete the trail. ...

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