Thursday, May 31, 2018

Camino de Santiago: Luxurious Long-Distance Hiking

The Camino de Santiago is the perfect beginner's long-distance trail. Just under 500 miles, the camino takes you through the heart of Spain walking through vineyards and history.

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And So It Ends . . .

And so it ends. I’ve pulled the plug on my 2018 thru hike attempt. I had some knee issues develop over the last few weeks that eventually worsened to the point of almost being unable to walk. After taking two days to cover just 12 excruciating miles and popping enough Vitamin I to make my head spin, I hobbled into the emergency room in Palmerton, Pennsylvania where I got some X-rays, meds, and an unwelcome diagnosis. ...

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from The Trek

To Err is Human. To Err Again is…Slackpacking?

When a hiker we met recently claimed she’d mastered the art of slackpacking, I inwardly scoffed. How hard can slackpacking be? You pack up some water and food, grab your gear for the day, and go. And I was already an experienced hiker, so I doubted I had much else to learn. I was wrong.

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The Michigan Open Championship Returns to Grand Traverse Resort and Spa

  The Michigan Open Championship Returns to Grand Traverse Resort and Spa  ACME, Mich., May 30, 2018 — ... Read more.

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Hitting a Wall

Yes, I’m still on trail!
I haven’t been blogging since the beginning of this journey. At first, I chalked it off to the fact that my phone was hardly working and I needed to save as much battery as possible “just in case”.
But honestly, I wasn’t blogging because I didn’t want the negative feelings I was having towards the trail to shine through in my posts.
Let’s back up a bit
At the beginning of this journey, ...

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Thru Shenandoah National Park

Shenandoah occupies a special place in my heart. I went for an overnight circuit hike over Thanksgiving of 2016 in preparation for what I thought was going to be a thru hike of Vermont’s Long Trail. I later abandoned the Long Trail, opting for section of the PCT in 2017. I had no idea that I’d be passing through Shenandoah again as a NOBO on my way to Maine.
To my surprise the roughly 100 miles of the National Park has been my favorite section thus far. ...

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It’s Official: The PGA TOUR Is Coming To Detroit

It’s Official: The PGA TOUR Is Coming To Detroit What has been an open secret ... Read more.

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LPGA Volvik Championship Offered More Than Athletic Competition

In spite of a lightning delay on Saturday and hot temperatures on Sunday, the LPGA ... Read more.

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Abetone Ferrari Watch

  Abetone Ferrari Watch The Abetone Ferrari Watch features the classic horse rampant logo, and ... Read more.

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10 Best Side Jobs for Auditioning Actors

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bipolar Backpacking

Initially being diagnosed with a mental disorder is intimidating in the first place, let alone being diagnosed a few months before embarking on a several month long thru hike of the AT. Despite this, I’ve completed over 700 miles and am still going strong.

Tips for Dealing with Mental Disorders while Thru Hiking
In no way does having a mental illness mean you can’t accomplish something as intense as a long distance backpacking trip. It may, ...

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from The Trek

I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down.

Three weeks ago, I took a fall that put a pause on my AT journey. I was five minutes into my hike for the day when I tripped over my own two feet on the flattest terrain I had ever seen on the AT. Trying to catch myself led to throwing myself even harder at the ground. I landed on my elbow and felt a pop right away. I laid there helplessly screaming until Bluegrass reared around the corner to help me up. ...

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US Women’s Open Winners And History

US Women’s Open Winners and History The US Women’s Open was first played in 1946 ... Read more.

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One Month, One State

Ghost ranch to Chama

May 26th 23 miles

After departing Ghost Ranch I climbed. I finished my day with 12 miles to add to the 11 from the morning. A couple friends saw a bear just a mile south of where I was camping. One friend, Walkie Talkie, joined me and set up camp nearby. Safety in numbers, right?

May 27th 30 miles

I slept poorly. Often I woke up and had zero desire to fall back asleep. ...

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A 50-Year-Old Pot of Money Supporting the AT Could Disappear

If you love the Appalachian Trail, there is an important and time-sensitive story you need to know about before September of this year.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has existed for over 50 years, and is critical to the AT. It has been called “America’s most important conservation and recreation program, which has saved places in every state and county in the US,” including substantial sections of the AT.”
The LWCF is in serious danger of expiring by September 2018 unless it gets public support (aka, ...

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It’s National Mint Julep Day!

  It’s National Mint Julep Day! Celebrate Accordingly. One of the Great American Cocktails, the ... Read more.

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The Memorial Tournament Preview 2018

The Memorial Tournament Preview 2018 The Memorial Tournament Presented By Nationwide Dates: May 28-June 3, ... Read more.

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Amazon Essentials Quick Dry Golf Short

  Amazon Essentials Quick Dry Golf Short Because in the future, everything will be made ... Read more.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Finding Real Life on the AT

Pop your head into any shelter along the AT and I would wager the hiker chatter circles 3 topics: gear, weather/terrain, injury. News on the trail hops around forward and back through trail logs and loose lips. Of course we have cell phones and shotty town wifi, but those are mostly off-trail modes of info deliverance.
Ah, yes, not even us scraggly hikers can completely disarm our phones for too long. It’s a little disheartening, but we need them to keep in touch with loved ones and to stay relative to the “real world.”

The perception of what’s real vs not has been bmbling through my mind during the last 200 miles or so and, ...

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Italian Open Winners and History

The Italian Open is one of the oldest events in Europe, extending back to 1925. ... Read more.

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Cobra King Forged Tour Irons

  Cobra King Forged Tour Irons The Cobra King Forged Tour Irons feature: 5 Step ... Read more.

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Actor’s Life: Post-Audition Self Care

If you’re anything like me, you walk out of the audition room head first into a hurricane of thoughts, particularly if it was something you were really excited about. As actors, we obsess over the smallest details, whether they noticed you said “this” instead of “that”, or you start listing all the things you wish you had done differently. Sit down in a room full of actors and you’ll realize you’re not alone.

Everyone has their own form of the classic tailspin, but the one thing that we can all agree on: it’s not healthy! This issue won’t go away overnight. Just as the tailspin is different for everyone, so too is the key to stopping it. Here are a few ideas to try in order to avoid sleepless nights of self-critique and to help you let it go.

1. Don’t Tell Anyone

Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself by telling everyone about your potential role.

It’s great to be super excited about a role and as much as we may want to tell everyone we know about our possible projects, it’s not always the best idea. While all the well wishes and positive vibes being sent your way are great up front, the inevitable follow up questions after the audition are something we all want to avoid (especially from non-actors who don’t necessarily understand the ins and outs of our career).

It’s great to have a supportive team backing you up, but the constant “Have you heard anything yet?” or “How did that audition go?” makes it tough to stop obsessing over what could have been or remaining positive.

2. Throw it Away

As soon as you walk out of the audition room, throw away the sides, delete the script and the email from your agent (or at least move it to a separate folder from your inbox). This way you won’t be able to read it over and over while fantasizing about booking the role. The best thing you can do is forget about it. If you get a callback or an offer, they’ll send everything over again anyway. There’s something quite cleansing about purging everything to do with an audition. It means that any further movement on it will simply come as a pleasant surprise.



3. Set a Timer

Thoughts and feelings are inevitable when it comes to the audition room, but we can’t let it take over the rest of our day (or in some cases our week). Set a timer on your phone for 5-10 minutes. No more. Allow yourself to reflect on what happened, first focusing on the things you liked about your performance then moving on to things you would have changed. Sometimes scribbling it down in a notebook can also help to release the thoughts. Once that timer goes off, tell yourself it’s time to set it aside and get on with the day.

Try to be firm with yourself on this time limit to practice mindfulness. If you find the thoughts keep coming back to forefront of your mind, try to steer yourself away from it. By training your brain to push away those thoughts, eventually it will learn to do it automatically.

4. Make Plans for Afterwards

Make sure you have plans for immediately after the audition to take your mind off of it.

The hours that directly follow an audition are the key time for the self-doubt to manifest itself. Make yourself busy by putting your attention elsewhere. If you don’t have to run right back to work, go see a movie or grab a bite to eat with a friend. Enjoy a relaxing coffee or tasty donut, rather than over-analyze the tone in the Casting Director’s voice when they said, “Thank you”, which leads me to my next point…

5. Treat Yourself

Regardless of whether you booked the role or not, the fact that you went in and did what you love most is an accomplishment in itself. Treat yourself by give yourself a little gift for getting into the room. Hundreds of other aspiring actors were passed over for that opportunity, let alone the role. Have that ice cream with an extra topping or buy that shirt you’ve been eyeing in the mall. When it comes to our job 95% of the time is spent training, preparing and auditioning, and today you put in a solid day’s effort, you deserve it!


6. Don’t Project

 The human brain (or more specifically, an actor’s brain) has a tendency to blow things out of proportion (what can we say… we have a flare for drama). It always feels worse than it really was. The way that you perceived that experience in the room is going to be completely different than how those on the other side of the table perceived it. Unless you’re a mind reader and know exactly what they were looking for, you have no way to know what everyone else got from your performance, so don’t confuse your own thoughts and feelings with that of casting’s.

7. Stay off of IMDb

Don’t check up on the project to see who got the part! Why torture yourself?

In our industry, there could be hundreds of factors that led to the final choice, there’s no need to compare yourself to whoever got it. It only leads down a rabbit hole of questions you’ll likely never get an answer to.

8. Don’t Hassle your Agent

If they hear anything, they will contact you.

Agents have many clients to attend to and it’s in their best interest for you to book work. Any news that you need to know, trust me…they will reach out to you. They are your agent, not your therapist. The more time they spend emailing you about this project, the less time they’re spending finding you that next opportunity.

9. Focus on a Hobby

 Having a non-industry hobby can be a great way to step outside of your “actor” brain for a while. Find something completely different that makes you happy or at least keeps you occupied or entertained for a while. Allow yourself to mentally check out of the industry and all the competition that goes with it. I have a friend who learns languages to take her mind off of acting, while others play instruments, cook or go to the gym. The list is endless, and who knows, you may find another passion you never knew you had.

10. Be Realistic

With each audition, our imagination is stirred up with fantasies about what this could lead to. The idea that our “Big Break” is right around the corner. The feeling that you could “steal the show” with that one line and be written into the show for good. Dreaming big is what propels us forward and makes us great artists, but it can sometimes be helpful to think more realistically about the opportunities we’re going up for. It means you won’t attach as much weight and meaning to the outcome.

Treat each audition as a puzzle piece getting you one step closer to seeing your dream role. It’s a chance to do something you love in the audition room. Time on set should really just be a bonus.

11. Put Things into Perspective

 Did you know that Eddie Redmayne completely blew his audition for The Hobbit, or that Meryl Streep was passed up for the original King Kong? Check out this article from full of actors that have had horrible audition experiences. I don’t think it’s keeping them awake at night any longer. Can you imagine if Meryl had carried those comments with her going forward, or worse thrown in the towel all together? Some of the greatest stories ever told on screen would have been drastically different.

There will be a story that you were meant to tell on screen. Don’t let this audition cloud the opportunities waiting just ahead for you in the next audition room.

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from Vada – Vancouver Academy of Dramatic Arts

What if we die?!

Michelle’s what if’s…
We just hit southern CA after a 3 day road trip from Nebraska and here are my thoughts.
What if?!
What if…
I get bit by a rattlesnake. 
A bear mauls me. 
I run out of water and die in agony. 
I somehow get an extremity stuck in a rock and have to cut it off with my tiny pocketknife. 
I can’t get past my fear of shitting in the woods and implode.  ...

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Essential Considerations for International Backpacking

In the same way as the things you carry vary according to the terrain you hike, international backpacking requires some adjustments. I have been backpacking the length of the Andes since 2015 and these are five adaptations which have improved the experience greatly. Fortunately, as compared to things like language and culture, changes in gear are light and painless. They are mostly carried ‘just in case’, but the difference they make in access, safety, and enjoyment more than makes it worth it. ...

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Bikepacking the Great Allegheny Passage / C & O Canal

Seven years ago, I passed through Harpers Ferry, WV for the first time, just after graduating high school. I was on a five-day bike tour with a friend, from Pittsburgh to Washington, DC on the Great Allegheny Passage / Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Wandering around the steep hill of Harpers Ferry, gazing into ice cream parlors and hostels and historical buildings, I noticed a lot of people with massive backpacks, beards, bandanas, and boots. It was my first exposure to the animal known as thru-hiker. ...

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The Memorial Winners and History

During Masters week in 1966, a young Jack Nicklaus spoke of of his dream of ... Read more.

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AT Hiker Drowns Attempting to Cross Kennebec River

The body of 39-year-old Michael Camiso was found Tuesday in Caratunk, Maine. Camiso went missing earlier in May, and it has been surmised that he drowned attempting to cross the Kennebec River in Maine.
Camiso had been hiking the Appalachian Trail since March of 2018, but it is unclear whether he was on a Northbound thru-hike, had flipped up to Maine, or was completing a section. Reports of his belongings were found along the trail on May 11, ...

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AT Thru Hike Weeks 5 and 6 Boiling Springs PA to Palmerton PA

Check out my newest video! It is a short 9-minutes that covers weeks 5 and 6 of my 2018 AT Flip Flop Thru Hike, including lots of rain, broken trekking poles, and beautiful views! ...

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Forest Lake Country Club Hosting 10th GAM Senior Match Play Championship

Forest Lake Country Club Hosting 10th GAM Senior Match Play Championship BLOOMFIELD HILLS – Classic ... Read more.

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Book Two, Chapter Four – the final push to Kennedy Meadows

Everyone gets a well-earned round of applause from the hiker trash inhabiting the deck of the general store. Even at 9 a.m. After all, it’s been 702 miles, more or less. One quarter of the Trail completed, and this is the ceremonial, if not actual, end of the desert.

Nobody was really looking forward to leaving Lake Isabella, as we immediately had to do a long hot grind out of Walker pass.

Half the group got a hitch from the local sherrif. ...

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Like a virgin hiking for the very first time

A lot of people would describe me as an extreme person. I don’t mean that I regularly participate in extreme activities but I have an extreme personality. I am loud, brazen and unapologetically me. I have been told by multiple people on trail that they hear me long before they see me. So, when I told people that I was planning on hiking the Appalachian Trail I was met with very little resistance. No one acted particularly shocked and nobody  told me that I couldn’t do it. ...

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The First Month

Two more weeks in the books! Check out how my last 200 miles have treated me!

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Trail Magic Days: Tehachapi to Kennedy Meadows

Leaving Tehachapi wasn’t like leaving the other previous town stops. This time, we were officially entering the Sierra Nevada range! While the trail at first wasn’t that different from the previous descent into Tehacahpi, there was just that feeling of newness and excitement.

We didn’t hike out of town too far and found a nice, sheltered tent site out of the super high winds. We packed out half of our sandwiches from Kohnen’s Bakery in town (ridiculously good by the way) for dinner. ...

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A Comparison of Cows and Hikers

Despite the obvious differences of how many legs we choose to walk on and the fact that hikers aren’t shot in the head when they get old and fat enough, we have a lot in common.  The similarities are numerous and we cross paths many times throughout the day.  
We walk the same land.  Wandering around in the hot sun all day, we both trot down the same dirt roads and often find ourselves on the same stretch of trail.  ...

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Will The LPGA Return To Ann Arbor In 2019?

  Will The LPGA Return To Ann Arbor In 2019? It seems like a strong ... Read more.

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Trump Ball Marker

  Trump Ball Marker Ridiculous Golf Item of the Week

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Book Two, Chapter Three – Forty days and forty nights to Walker pass

The days are starting to blur a little. Its getting harder and harder to do these summaries without going back to my notes. Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, I think we’re all a little beat down and suffering from a little Trail Depression. I have lost 16 lbs since I started, which is more than my base weight. I’m pretty tired. On the AT it’s called the Virginia Blues; I’ll have to think of the proper analog. ...

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The ups and downs of a thru-hike

"I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick skinned" -Pumba

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2018 Fort Worth Invitational Preview

2018 Fort Worth Invitational Preview Dates: May 21-27, 2018 Where: Colonial Country Club; Fort Worth, ... Read more.

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Volvik Victory Golf Belt

Volvik Victory Golf Belt For something different in your golf closet.    

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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Otsego Club Up For Sale

Otsego Club Up For Sale The Otsego Club, a four-seasons resort in Gaylord, Michigan is ... Read more.

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Embrace the Rain? Embrace the Suck? Nah, Take a Zero.

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” – ~Newt Gingrich (yup, I’m quoting Newt Gingrich)
I don’t really know much about the people who read our blog.  I have heard from some of you. Some are following because you dream of hiking the trail.  Some are our age and admire Ray’s determination and, perhaps, envy this opportunity.  Others appreciate the viewpoint from the partner at home.  ...

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11 Things Vegan PCT Hikers Should Know

As a vegan thru-hiker and a foodie, finding new vegan options where ever I am is always a priority. I will always alter my plans to try a new vegan place whether that be wake up at 5am so I can arrive for lunch at Paradise Café or power on, so I make it to the Friday night Farmers Market in Wrightwood.
Here is the list of things to know in advance to help you plan accordingly. ...

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Off Trail Along the James

Some folks will depart the trail to see nearby places such as Washington D.C. or New York City. After crossing the James River I turned east and didn’t stop until I was at the Atlantic.
It was nearing the weekend of Trail Days but I had had my fill of Damascus. I opted out of the chance to listen endlessly to stories of hyperbolic bear encounters. I don’t much care anymore who had the worse weather in the Smokies. ...

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KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship Preview

KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship Preview Harbor Shores | Benton Harbor, Michigan | May 24-27, 2018 Quick Facts ... Read more.

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Volvik Golf Stand Bag

Volvik Golf Stand Bag This bag from Volvik features: Top of the bag features a ... Read more.

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Selfridge Valor Cup Golf Event Helps Give Hope to Female Veteran Combat Medic

Selfridge Valor Cup Golf Event Helps Give Hope to Female Veteran Combat Medic HARRISON TOWNSHIP ... Read more.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Still in Virginia

First Month
It feels like I have been hiking in Virginia for ever! Oh wait, I have.
My last blog left off after the first week. Well the next 3 weeks have been very similar. Get up, eat, walk, eat, walk, eat again, walk again, eat again and again and then walk. I have walked in 80 degree weather, just to walk in near freezing temps the next day. At least it does not get boring. ...

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Hiking Thru the Virginia Blues

Clearly I’m not good at keeping up with blog posts.
It just take so much time, you know? We’ve started doing longer mile days, so we get into camp later. And then by the time you’ve set up camp and had dinner, it’s already past dark. I haven’t even been that great with journaling lately. Back when we only hiked 15 miles, we seemed to have nothing but time in the evenings.
Anyway, my last blog ends with me arriving in Damascus. ...

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Half-Way Done…ish

Bears, rain and a thousand miles

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Smoky Mountains Day 2, Gregory Bald

I ended up going back to Gatlinburg and renting the worst hotel room ever. It was way too much money because it was the Saturday of Easter weekend. I did this because I wanted space to dump everything out of my pack and repack it with necessities. My plan was now to do one night of backcountry camping. My backcountry permit for Sunday night was to stay at campsite 13 atop Gregory Bald. Originally I was going to hike Abrams Falls Trail to Hannah Mountain Trail and stay at Campsite 14, ...

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Lamkin Golf Grips Review

Lamkin Golf Grips Review Lamkin Comfort Plus Golf Grip Lamkin Sonar Golf Grip Lamkin TS1 ... Read more.

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BMW PGA Championship Winners and History – European Tour

Founded in 1955, the BMW PGA Championship originally was known as the British PGA Championship. ... Read more.

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Volvik Vivid Jade Mint Green Balls

  Volvik Vivid Jade Mint Green Balls For 2018, Volvik has added some new colors ... Read more.

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Monday, May 21, 2018

Escape the Crowds: Three Incredible Canadian Trails You Can Thru-Hike

There seems to be no end in sight to the increasing popularity of long-distance hiking trails in the US. When will wilderness seekers start looking elsewhere for long-distance hiking trails?

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INFINITI Partners with LPGA Volvik Championship as Official Vehicle Sponsor

INFINITI Partners with LPGA Volvik Championship as Official Vehicle Sponsor for Second Year ANN ARBOR, ... Read more.

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LPGA Volvik Championship Winners and History

LPGA Volvik Championship Winners and History Played in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the LPGA Volvik Championship ... Read more.

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Fort Worth Invitational Winners and History

Fort Worth Invitational Winners and History One of the longest running tournaments in PGA TOUR ... Read more.

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Canton’s Donnie Trosper Wins Michigan Publinx Medal Play Championship

  Canton’s Donnie Trosper Wins Michigan Publinx Medal Play Championship, Finds The Fun In Golf ... Read more.

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Selfridge Valor Cup Teams Female Veterans With LPGA Pros

Selfridge Valor Cup Teams Female Veterans With LPGA Pros Pro Am On Tuesday, May 20, ... Read more.

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Sunday, May 20, 2018

How to Be an Internet Hiker: Free Tips for Pajama Blazers

Step 1: Have some backpacking experience.
That one time, when you were 12? and went with your scout group? That oughta do it. No need to actually know what things are like now or have any familiarity with up-to-date gear or Leave No Trace principles.
Step 2: Be confident.
Sure, people in online backpacking groups may have logged more miles than you, but don’t let this get you down. You read A Walk in the Woods. ...

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LPGA Volvik Championship Qualifier Monday At Eagle Crest

LPGA Volvik Championship Qualifier Monday At Eagle Crest The final spots in the LPGA Volvik ... Read more.

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Lotta Road, Little Trail

This past stretch from Pie Town to Grants consisted of a lot of road walks.  “Road walk” is a broad term as there are a few different kinds of roads we walk on; asphalt, gravel, dirt, forest service, paved, unpaved, open, narrow. Each have their pros and cons but there is something special about walking on a road designed for fast cars and large trucks.
The crunchy cadence of gravel beneath my feet, keeping a rhythm to the trot and providing a constant beat to remind me that my legs are still moving without having to look at the ground the whole time.  ...

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Piw Town to Grants

May 16th 16 miles

Well we did eventually make it out of pie town after pie for breakfast and some more chores were completed. We headed out on a road walk at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Even though it wasn’t that hot we let the heat chill off before we left the comfort of the Toaster House deck. We actually managed to do about 16 miles that afternoon. The next water was provided from a trail angel’s home 16 miles down the gravel road so that is where we ended up. ...

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USGA Wants Your Input On Golf Distance Increases

The USGA Wants Your Input On Golf Distance Increases Following up on their ominous (for ... Read more.

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Rain Delay and Dangerous Flooding

Well, the trail is always teaching lessons and the lesson we’re being taught on day one is adapting and being flexible. We made it across the Patomac River up to Ed Garvey shelter—about 6 miles on Wednesday and the heavens opened up with such rain as I had never seen before in all my years of hiking. It rained for about 6-8 hours very hard. We were dry and warm, but it poured. We got up the next morning to some storms and after they subsided we headed out. ...

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Q&A with the Crew in Big Bear

Today seems like it has lasted about a week and it is only mid-afternoon. We woke up this morning at a campsite 0.4 miles from the Hwy 18 trailhead parking lot, where we hitched a ride into Big Bear Lake. Yesterday we passed the 265 mile / 10% marker and it feels like I have made significant progress along this trail!
Once we got into town, we had breakfast then sat around on the deck of the Big Bear Hostel – we wanted to stay the night and almost everything in town was already booked because of the Spartan Race this weekend. ...

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I’m at it again!

My goal in 2017 was to thru hike the PCT. After only 650 miles, I decided to call it quits. There were a number of factors that played into my decision to get off trail but the biggest one was probably how much I missed Kauai. Oh, the fact that I walked through 650 miles of desert played into the decision too. I hate the desert. When I hear the word desert, I immediately think of bloody boogers and stepping over rattlesnakes. ...

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Friday, May 18, 2018

I’m a survivor, I’m gunna make it.

Throughout my past blogs I have remained extremely optimistic and positive which is representative of my attitude 99% of the time, but just like any other part of life there are bad days. Just imagine, I have been on trail for just under two months, living in the elements, doing the most physically demanding activity I have ever attempted, so bad days are inevitable.  I had one particularly tough day and I finally got why other people quit. ...

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2018 LPGA Volvik Championship Field

2018 LPGA Volvik Championship Field Shanshan Feng and Ariya Jutanugarn, winners of the first two ... Read more.

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Byron Nelson, Dwight Eisenhower, Ben Hogan and Clifford Roberts, 1953

While searching for photos of Byron Nelson, I came across this one of Nelson, President ... Read more.

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In The Mail: Tommy Armour TA1 Irons

In The Mail: Tommy Armour TA1 Irons In the mail this week for testing was ... Read more.

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Byron Nelson’s Swing

The video below features a slow motion replay of Byron Nelson’s swing. Nelson’s flowing motion has ... Read more.

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The Best Deals for Backpackers at REI’s Anniversary Sale

The following is a Sponsored Post brought to you by REI.
REI’s annual anniversary sale starts today, and backpackers can save mucho dollars. Plus, members can also take 20% off one full-price item, and an extra 20% off an REI Outlet item (formerly REI Garage). If you’re looking to make a big purchase like a new tent or pack, this is a good time to do it. Use coupon code ANNIV18 at checkout.
There are too many category markdowns to list, ...

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Donald Trump Golf Balls

  Donald Trump Golf Balls Ridiculous Golf Item Of The Week  

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

8 Day Backpacking Food Plan and Tips

Download my 8-Day Backpacking Food Plan complete with weight and calories-per-ounce, as well as my personal food tips on how I've learned to make trail food more enjoyable!

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Injury By Mile 50 – What Limping Has Taught Me

If you had asked me three months ago what my biggest fear for the trail was, I would have said injury. I didn’t care about mountain lions, rattle snakes, lightning, or the dark and mysterious night. It was always the thoughts of broken bones and infections that kept me up at night which was odd because I never had any experience with backcountry wounds. Unluckily, I was awakened to not only one, but two.

One of my worst days of pain- the day I asked for help.

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7 Gadgets to Enhance Your Next Car Camping Trip

Spring (and spring weather) are officially here, and the time is right to start the 2018 hiking and camping season. Whether you are a novice or a pro, it means that you want to get ready, whether that means starting up your exercise regimen or plotting new places to explore. Car camping is growing in popularity each year, providing a base camp for adventures with the security of an established front-country campsite. Plus, it allows everyone to experience the outdoors without the pressure of carrying their own gear into the backcountry.  ...

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Taco Salad & Hawaiian Shirts: Agua Dulce to Tehachapi

Hiker Heaven to Casa de Luna
After a nero day at Hiker Heaven, we somehow found the will to wake up at 4 AM to head back to the trail. We walked a mile down from the Saufleys since the shuttles weren’t running yet. The PCT runs right through the town of Agua Dulce, so we began our day on the road for a couple of miles walking past several homes on our way to Casa de Luna and taco salad! ...

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A Look Inside School Visits

“I don’t need a tutor” the seventh grader grumbled as he made his way into the auditorium for a guest presentation at his Virginia Beach middle school. Thirty minutes later, he had changed his mind. What transpired in that thirty minutes was part of the support team’s latest outreach effort in highly military-connected school systems around the world.

So what could we possibly have done or said in such a short time span to change the way a seventh grader thinks? It’s easy, we showed him something new, he tried it for himself, then he had what we refer to as, an “ah-ha moment.” This encounter was part of a week in Virginia Beach, VA, an area with more than 86,000 active duty military personnel and, combined with Hampton Roads, home to 9 major military installations representing all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.1 Our team visited 10 schools over the week and was able to talk to more than 1,300 students about this free resource (funded by our friends at the Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance) and show them how to have a tutoring session. Just this brief visit to Virginia Beach has increased usage of the program associated with military installations in that area by more than sixteen percent in the two weeks after the visit.

We had an amazing group helping us that week, including the School Liaison Officers from Joint Base Little Creek/Fort Story and Naval Air Station Oceana, as well as representatives from the Virginia Beach School District. For the five members of the military team, school visits are the most rewarding part of our job, by far! Every visit is customized to meet the needs of that particular school, but during each trip three main things happen: We talk to the students about the program in a fun, interactive way. Everyone on our team is military connected in some way, most of us “brats” ourselves, so we understand what these children face. This allows us to share anecdotes of our own childhood and empathize with them about the trials and tribulations only a military child will know. Secondly, we give them a sample problem and help them log-in and have a session with one of our tutors. Finally, they leave, practically experts themselves, but just in case, we give them a folder loaded with information to share with their parents when they get home.

We love to be there when that seventh grader learns that isn’t just for students who are getting bad grades. When he realizes our tutors can check work, help study for tests, review essays, or just get you over the hump when you are a little bit stuck. We want to see the sparkle in his eyes when he tries it for the first time and exclaims “Wow, this is a real person?” When he realizes that he has access to his own “personal homework assistant” 24 hours a day, even when one parent is deployed and the other doesn’t recognize his math homework anymore.

We also get a great response from teachers, school counselors and school administration when we visit a school. Many of them don’t realize the many ways can help improve grades and overall student performance.  We still hand out flyers at events, we still talk to parents, and we still give away lots of purple goodies.  This definitely helps to spread the word, however, we had our own “ah-ha moment” and realized that the very best way to get a student to understand what is really all about is to let them try it. Better yet, let them try it in an academically-focused environment, with someone in the room to explain how it works and answer their questions. Whenever we visit an area, we compare how many students used the service in the time leading up to our visit to how many use it after. Thanks to our efforts in schools all over the world, usage of has definitely grown in the areas we visit!

As these well-travelled, resilient military children move from one school to the next, our team does the same. Sometimes we even run into students we have met before, and they remember us. We travel year round and are open to going anywhere we are requested! In 2017, we had 136 visits and meetings throughout the year across 24 states, including Hawaii and Alaska. Since we are a small team, we try to get the most value from each trip and are not afraid to fit in as many schools, grades, and classes as possible in one area during the timeframe of our visit.

Despite our hundreds of visits and thousands of children reached, the program is a much underutilized resource. We encourage everyone who works with military-connected students to consider scheduling a demo in your area. We do put in a lot of hard work in terms of coordinating classes and students, but dare we say, our visits are actually a lot of fun! Just ask anyone on our team and they will probably tell you they have the best job in the world, which is good, because in that world there are more than one million active duty U.S. military school age dependents. So, if you work in an area with lots of military connected students, why are you still reading this blog? Visit to learn more, or send an email to to schedule your school visit today!

Still curious about how a visit works? Continue reading our FAQ that you can share with schools.

What is for U.S. Military Families is a free resource provided to service members and grades K-12 students in Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard families. By providing an online tutoring service with live, expert tutors available 24/7, military children are able to receive academic help at the moment of need. Such help has been proven to be efficient, effective, and life-changing, especially to struggling students. Military students can receive tutoring at all skill levels in over 40 subjects.

Why is it important to show children how to use is an important resource for children in grades K-12 to have access to. It is funded by the Department of Defense and provides students with unlimited access at no cost. All students could benefit from a little homework help, essay review, or test practice—especially military children who are moving frequently or have a parent who is not always available to help. When we meet with children, we are able to talk to them about all of these unique challenges and give them the chance to try firsthand. Doing this has a bigger impact than just receiving a flyer, as well as encourages the student to want to use the program and go home and share it with their families! Each student in the home can have their own account!

How often does the team travel and where?

Our team travels year round and we are open to going anywhere we are requested! In 2017 we had 136 visits and meetings throughout the year across 24 states, including Hawaii and Alaska. It is most beneficial for both our team and the schools to organize as many classroom “sessions” in one area during a specific timeframe. That way, we are able to connect with as many students as possible while making it easier on the school organizers, too.

What happens during a school visit?

Our team works with the appropriate contact in advance to set up a date and then determines how many schools are available to participate and how many children are eligible to use the program. The school will work to get the students pulled into a “session” (usually a free period to avoid interrupting any testing) in a computer lab or classroom where students can set up their laptops. In 30-minutes or less, we are able to teach children about the program, how it works and all of the different features, and best of all, students have the opportunity to go into our interactive classroom to try a one-on-one session with a real tutor.

What does a tutoring session in our classroom look like?

All of our sessions happen in an interactive classroom with text chat and a whiteboard that both the student and tutor can draw, share files and pictures, or graph on. You can watch a video here for more information.

Do you travel for other events in addition to school visits?

Yes! We present to various groups (e.g. school administrators and counselors, homeschool groups, etc.), conduct briefings and trainings at military installations, and attend events on base and in the surrounding community.

Where can I request a visit for my military-impacted school or event?

To request a visit, please complete our Visit Request form here: or email us at

What are people saying about school visits?

Our coordinator from our trip to Virginia Beach said: “Thank you… for all of your efforts! I think we all agree the week was very successful…I look forward to our future work together. Thanks again!”

This is feedback from other visits we have attended:

“We are really excited about this resource for our military connected students!”

“I’ve already been on the phone with a couple of other SLO’s who are interested, and wanted to know how we did it. I’ll be giving all of you high marks, and truly appreciate the service our area got. Thanks so much!”

“I am so thankful for the time [] took to educate the CG Personnel Service Center folks. Your presentation was very informative, I received many accolades from the attendees. Thank you for all you do.”

“Thank you so much for coming! …One of the 4th grade students really enjoyed and told her teacher, ‘I can ask this man/lady ANYTHING and they will help me. I am so excited.’”

We want to reach as many children as possible to spread the word about Please reach out and we will get back to you quickly to discuss a potential visit!

1 Virginia Beach Economic Development: Military” Retrieved from: for U.S. Military Families is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) MWR Library Program, the DoD Navy General Library Program and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA). Those who fund the program determine eligibility for its use. Long-term availability of the program is not guaranteed.


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Skyline Traverse: A Full Day Hiking the 5 Highest Peaks Around Boulder, CO

Boulder’s backdrop of jutting rock slabs not only makes for a compelling skyline, but provides the terrain for an epic day hike close to the city. South Boulder Peak, Bear Peak, Green Mountain, Flagstaff Mountain, and Mount Sanitas—the five highest peaks surrounding the city—make up the Skyline Traverse. With about 6,000 feet of elevation gain over 20 or so miles, hikers are in for an enchanting day of diverse ecosystems with spectacular views both of the city to the east and the mountains to the west. ...

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Gear Review: Sierra Designs Sweet Suite 2

Sierra Designs Sweet Suite 2
Includes: Tent body, rain fly, two DAC aluminum poles, ten stakes, guylines, Burrito Bag storage system.
Weight: 3 lbs 10 oz
Capacity: Two-person
Floor Area: 29.2 square feet
Vestibule Area: 8.9 + 8.9 feet
Peak Height: 41 inches
MSRP: $369.95

Sierra Designs’ new Sweet Suite 2 is a tent with an exceptional balance of durability, price, and livable space. Unique features such as the versatile fly system and near-vertical walls set this tent apart from competitors in the same price range. ...

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Byron Nelson’s 1945 Tournament Results

Byron Nelson’s 1945 Tournament Results In 1945, Byron Nelson not only won eleven tournaments in ... Read more.

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Who Was Byron Nelson?

With the AT&T Byron Nelson as this week’s PGA Tour attraction, I thought it might ... Read more.

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Ariat Boot Stitch Wallet

Ariat Boot Stitch Wallet I really like the look of this wallet. The brown leather, ... Read more.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Return of Styx – Recovery and Reintegration

One must first meet bottom in order to bounce back.
It has been nearly two months since my last update and a lot has happened! At the time of my last post, I was held up in Robbinsville, NC in hopes of resting my stress fracture just enough to get back onto the trail and finally begin the much anticipated Smokies. Unfortunately, stress fractures don’t heal overnight. I was well aware of this, however, I didn’t want to admit it. ...

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Volvik Championship Sponsor Exemptions: Kim, Phokan, Booth

  U-M Freshman Ashley Kim, Volvik Brand Ambassadors Parinda Phokan and Carly Booth  Receive Volvik Championship ... Read more.

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Doc Campbell’s Post to Pie Town

May 10
We set out early and hiked at the sun rose. Eventually we ended up back in the canyon with wet feet. The canyon looked a lot different the further south you went. It’s a pretty amazing place. However I now have holes in 2 pairs of socks from the hard walking and the constant creek crossings.
May 11
24.5 miles. We made it out of the Gila Wilderness after 7 miles of hiking this morning. ...

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Lordsburg to Doc Campbell’s Post

May 5th to May 9th
We did a 12 mile afternoon after spending just enough time in Lordsburg. The hike north of that town was brutal. A few miles of road walking and then miles upon miles of flat, open and hot pasture land. Of course to arrive here and get off the highway we had to crawl under a barbed wire fence. Walking so much flat land doesn’t feel great, it honestly hurts more than trail with terrain. ...

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National Association of Women Business Owners Partners With LPGA Volvik

The National Association of Women Business Owners – Greater Detroit Chapter Partners with the LPGA Volvik ... Read more.

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So I am sitting in the Dolye eating a awesome cheeseburger and I look up and see NOBO-BOBO-SOBO. Now I know north bound and south bound but not BOBO so I ask Queen Bitch the bartender and she says it stands for both bound or as I have called it flip flopper. I then declared myself a BOBO. Cool deal

I got my trail name because every time someone would take my picture I would give them the Hook’em sign and say Hook’em Horns. ...

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Discovery Land Added to Enhance Meijer LPGA Classic Experience for Kids

Discovery Land Added to Enhance Meijer LPGA Classic Experience for Kids Kids area to feature ... Read more.

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AT&T Byron Nelson Preview 2018

2018 AT&T Byron Nelson Preview Dates: May 14-20, 2018 Where: Trinity Forest Golf Club Par/Yards: ... Read more.

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Jolt Gear Dri Fit Golf Shirt

    Jolt Gear Dri Fit Golf Shirt There are so many golf apparel companies ... Read more.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Navigating My First Trail Injury

After a month of blistered feet on the PCT, I somehow sweetened the deal with a skin infection. Here’s what happened and how it feels to be temporarily sidelined in LA.
What Not to Do
The blisters I had were healing, but still needed to be taped up during the day while I was hiking. I was using Leukotape, a favorite among hikers for its durability and long-lasting adhesive. I’ve met people who wore Leukotape as long as a week, ...

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Kingsmill Championship Winners and History – LPGA

Kingsmill Championship Winners and History – LPGA The LPGA’s Kingsmill Championship has been held nearly ... Read more.

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Mission to Maine Aborted: No, I Didn’t Quit the AT

Good morning from Hot Springs, NC, mile 274 of the AT! The rumormill tells me by the time hikers reach this tiny little mountain town nearly half of all thruhike attempts are aborted. I believe it and I get it even though I’m not about to jump trail myself.
The Smokies seem to do something to hikers that tips our delicate mental teeter totter one way or another. And, yes, our mental psyche is especially delicate by the time we roll into Hot Springs. ...

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Belgian Open Winners; Belgian Knockout Winners and History

Belgian Open Winners; Belgian Knockout Winners and History Originally known as the Belgian Open, the ... Read more.

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Kickstarters For Golfers – May 15, 2018

Kickstarters For Golfers – May 15, 2018: New crowdfunding golf projects this week include a ... Read more.

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Appalachian Trail State Profile: Virginia

At over 550 trail miles, Virginia is the longest state on the Appalachian Trail. Hikers reach the state line at Mile 466, three miles before Damascus, and most will be in Virginia for a month before reaching the West Virginia border at Mile 1007. For hikers who have become accustomed to checking off state lines as milestones in their journey, Virginia can be somewhat of a buzzkill. The “Virginia Blues” are less attributed to the state, ...

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Virginia’s Triple Crown

Virginia’s Triple Crown consists in the Dragons Tooth, McAfee Knob and Tinker Cliffs, three prominent rock formations in close proximity.
I didn’t even know this was a thing until I’d gotten into Daleville and began researching the area. I was impressed with the towering rocks and steep cliffs, and only later learned this area is the crown jewel of Central Virginia.
Closures and Worry
My first night in Pearisburg was spent picking apart a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket and listening to others fret about the implications of a fire closure and around McAffe Knob. ...

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Titleist Club Life Backpack

  Titleist Club Life Backpack The Titleist Club Life Backpack features: Padded 15” laptop compartment ... Read more.

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Monday, May 14, 2018

Trail Correspondents Episode #6: The First Week on Trail (Part 2)

Today we hear from the 2nd batch of our thru-hikers about a week into their journey.  You can find the first part of this here.
2018 SOBOs: Learn how to apply HERE.
Today we hear from:

Jake Beaver (AT)
Gwen Nitya (AT)
Lukas Isaacson (PCT)
Madeline (PCT)
Rabbit (CDT)

You can support the show through our Patreon page, which helps us to publish episodes more frequently.
Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise or praise for Backpacker Radio?  ...

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Book Review: “North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail”

North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail  
Author: Scott Jurek
MSRP: $28 (hardcover, 304 pages)
Publisher: Hachette Book Group
Accomplished runner Scott Jurek has released a fast-paced book detailing his successful 2015 attempt to break the speed record for the Appalachian Trail. The book describes in detail not only the 46 days he spent on the trail, but the motivation and preparation by Scott and his wife Jenny, plus the emotions experienced throughout the endeavor. ...

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Time with Grand Babies

I am so blessed to be a grandmother. I’m not sure there is anything sweeter than wonderful  little grand babies. I currently have one grandson and two grand daughters; however, it seems as though I will have one more near the end of my hike!  I would love to be able to hike with my grandchildren some day and to help them develop a love for it.  As I set out on Wednesday to begin my thru-hike my thoughts will turn to the grandkids, ...

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AT&T Byron Nelson Championship Winners and History

AT&T Byron Nelson Championship Winners and History One of just two PGA Tour tournaments named ... Read more.

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Callaway Mack Daddy 4 Irons

  Callaway Mack Daddy 4 Irons Callaway’s new Mack Daddy 4 Irons feature: More Spin ... Read more.

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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy 50th to the AT, PCT and National Trails System Act

Who wants some birthday cake? (If you’re currently hiking a trail, that’s a definite yes). This year, 2018, is the 50th birthday of the National Trails System Act and the 50th anniversary of the official designation of the Appalachian Trail (AT) and the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) as America’s first national scenic trails. This special designation also attributes the AT and the PCT as “the first elements of the national trail system.

Around the country and online, ...

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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Sheltowee Trace Trail Update No. Two

Day Four
Today started out with high spirits and sore feet. The weather was still causing problems, rain was sporadic, and had turned the trail into a swampy mess. Walking one mile felt like walking four, our legs where sore and the mud cause our pace to slow even further. We spent more time walking along the side of the trail than on the actual trail.

Day four was shaping up to be one of the most challenging yet. ...

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Warner Springs to Idyllwild: Trail Names and Moral Dilemmas

When I get to a new place, especially a mountain town, I love spending time at libraries and coffee shops. I am writing from the beautiful Idyllwild library and I enjoyed reading a magazine at Higher Grounds Coffee earlier today. After two weeks of hiking, Idyllwild has been a great place to recharge, both physically and mentally, get new shoes, resupply, shower, and have a great sleep in a bed in a cabin shared with 5 of my trail friends. ...

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Think you’re hiker trash? Take this quiz and find out

Like a Knighthood, or the Papacy, the title of Hiker Trash cannot be taken, it can only be given. After a while there is a tendency to assume that everyone is Hiker Trash but to really find out use the checklist below. If you score more than 10 points, congratulations.
1 Point
You eat food off the ground without a second thought.
You casually strip naked in front of strangers.  Who don’t care.
Weird food combos aren’t weird – like placing a single peanut M&M in each Frito scoop before you eat it. ...

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GAM Executive Director David Graham Retiring in 2019

GAM Executive Director David Graham Retiring in 2019 David Graham, who is credited with turning around a ... Read more.

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Southbounding the PCT, Part Three: Environmental Truths

Part 1 Part 2
Environmental factors can have a significant on how much you’ll enjoy a hike. That’s as true of day hikes as it is for thru hikes. Sometimes it will feel like the world has you in the cross-hairs for a cruel practical joke, while at others you will feel the world bends to your will. Hikers share information on weather, water, bugs, and the general climate almost every time we meet. Here are some broad, ...

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2018 The North End

This is just a test post to make sure that my blog will be working when I hit the Appalachian trail at the end of the month. Stay tuned. ...

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Friday, May 11, 2018

French Lick and Other Midwestern Buddy Trip Destinations

French Lick and Other Midwestern Buddy Trip Destinations I was impressed by these photos of ... Read more.

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A Kansas City Girl Thrives in Southern California Part I: Avoiding the Sun

Guys- the desert is surprisingly wonderful. There are many redeeming qualities in the desert that make up for the heat, such as scenery, flowers, lizards, the splash factor (for ladies going #1, there is no slash back because you are peeing in sand), and an absolutely beautiful night sky. It’s only been 4 days, but every mile has had views for miles around. Yesterday was my first day seeing what I like to call mountain layers; ...

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from The Trek

Trail mix with your favorite nut (uhhh, me)

Ahh, nuts
Delicious almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans, walnuts…no, I’m not talking about the fruit. And yes, nuts are apparently fruit *mind explosion*. I’m talking about myself. I sit here only 5 days from the start of my multi-month journey into some crazy beautiful landscapes where stunning views are abundant. It’s crazy to think that just 6 days ago I graduated from James Madison University. Time really does fly by, and reflecting on how fast my undergrad flew by, ...

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from The Trek

How To Stay Younger Longer

How To Stay Younger Longer The Guardian has an interesting article that argues that physical ... Read more.

The post How To Stay Younger Longer appeared first on GolfBlogger Golf Blog.

from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

Golf Ball Mini Planters

  Golf Ball Mini Planters Ridiculous Golf Item Of The Week

The post Golf Ball Mini Planters appeared first on GolfBlogger Golf Blog.

from GolfBlogger Golf Blog

Gear Talk and Pre-Trail Jitters

As I lay on my sleeping pad in the backyard of a trail angel’s house in San Diego, I can’t help but feel at peace. The lead up to this moment has come with added excitement and anxiety. Constant questions have been popping in my head—did I pack tent stakes? Will everything fit in my 40 liter pack? How much food is too much? What am I forgetting? But as I lay here, knowing that my life is packed up in boxes, ...

The post Gear Talk and Pre-Trail Jitters appeared first on The Trek.

from The Trek

Heating Up: Wrightwood to Agua Dulce

Mt. Baden-Powell
When we left Wrightwood, we were excited to hit the trail again, yet it was also tough. Leaving the comforts of town can be difficult, but then there are always more town stops ahead.

I will say, our bed at the motel was harder than sleeping on the ground, so I was looking forward to sleeping in our tent again!
As we approached the trailhead to Baden-Powell, the parking lot was packed full with day hikers. ...

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from The Trek